Early Bird Registration

The Early Bird Registration offers you the oppertunity to register early for ISCOMS 2025. The regular registration opens on the 17th of February.

With the Early Bird Registration you get a 10% discount on one congress day ticket (19.99EUR).

The Early Bird Registration comes with additional benefits:

  • Early invitation letter for VISA applications: if you require a VISA to travel to the Netherlands, the Early Bird Registration provides you with an invitation letter a little earlier, ensuring you have sufficient time to apply for your VISA.
  • Quick registration: as soon as the regular registration opens, you will receive a personal link to complete your registration, providing you with immediate access to sign up for your preferred sessions and workshops. This way you can secure a spot as soon as possible!
  • Regular updates: stay informed with regular emails featuring the latest news and updates about the upcoming edition of ISCOMS.

Register here for the Early Bird Registration!

We hope to see you at ISCOMS 2025!