Social programme

Social programme

Date:  2nd of June 2024
Time:  19:30 – 23:00
Where: Café Soestdijk

During the welcoming night, those of you who are already present in Groningen will have the possibility to walk through the city together with the ISCOMS Organising Committee and our First Year Crew. The city tour, which will last for about one hour, will end at a local pub in the centre of Groningen. The welcoming night and our ISCOMS pub quiz will take place in this pub. The city tour and welcoming night will allow you to socialize with one another and meet the ISCOMS organizing committee. You are always welcome to join the welcoming night, regardless of your participation in the city tour.
Please note that payment is only possible by card.

Date: 3rd of June 2024
Time:  18:00 – 23:00
Where: DOT

Most of you will arrive in Groningen on Monday. Monday will be our pre-course after which a social activity will follow. For those of you who have registered for the pre-course, the social programme for this day will be included. During the social activity on our pre-course day, you will be guided to a location at  which a dancing class will take place. On arrival, a buffet will be served, and we will have dinner together. After the intensive day, you have the opportunity to blow off some steam and show everyone your dancing skills at the dancing workshop!
Please note: preferred method of payment is with PIN.


Date: 4th of June 2024
Time:  19:15 – 23:00
Where: Het Prinsenhof

The first official congress day will be followed by our ‘Formal Dinner’. This year, the Formal Dinner will take place at one of the most beautiful venues of Groningen: ‘Het Prinsenhof’. During this dinner, all present participants have the chance to dress up fancy while enjoying a six-course walking dinner! For this outstanding six-course dinner, it is possible to choose between meat or vegetarian dishes. Besides enjoying a delicious dinner, this event provides the perfect opportunity for socialising with other ISCOMS participants and to meet some of the professors who will be present at the formal dinner. For an amazing appearance it would be great if you bring an elegant dress of your best suit. Bring some additional money for the evening since drinks can be purchased at the location.

Date: 5th of June 2024
Time:  18:00 – 22:45
Where: Café Hoppe

We will start the evening by having dinner with the entire group. Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to join the activity you chose. We will prepare different activities which you can choose from. The activities you can choose from are a yoga workshop, billiards, bowling, a boat trip, and lasergaming!
Please note that payment is only possible by card.


Date: 6th of June 2024
Time:  19:00 – 02:00
Where: Huize Maas

After our final congress day and the official closing ceremony, we will relocate to ‘Huize Maas’ where the World Wide ISCOMS Night will take place! This evening will start off with a delicious buffet with many different dishes from around the world. Afterwards, the great party will begin. During this night, the end of a successful and joyful congress will be celebrated. During this night, the traditions of the different countries will be central. Dress up in traditional clothing and bring a traditional snack or dish from your country. We would love to play music specifically from your country, so please bring a USB stick with your
favourite music. The DJ will take care of the rest and make sure you have an unforgettable night!

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. After three days of the congress and the World Wide ISCOMS Night, ISCOMS 2024 will have reached its conclusion. But don’t worry, because we have one last activity for you: the Post Congress Tour! During this day, we will be visiting another Dutch city. This year, we will be traveling to Emmen! Two buses will be arranged to take us to Emmen. Once in Emmen, the adventure begins with a pleasant walk starting at noon. This stroll will lead us to a “Hunebed,” an ancient megalithic tomb, providing an opportunity to explore and appreciate a piece of history. After taking in the sights, we will head towards a sandwich house for a well-deserved lunch. Following lunch, the group will continue the day’s activities by going to the Emmen Zoo. There, we will have ample time to enjoy the diverse array of animals and exhibits. After a day full of activities, we will go back to Groningen to finish off with a dinner at Napoli. At the end of this dinner, ISCOMS 2024 will officially be over.