Sustainability at ISCOMS

At ISCOMS, sustainability is an essential concept. We recognise the urgent need to protect our planet and believe that small actions can create significant change. We strive to minimise our environmental footprint and promote sustainable practices, while inspiring people from all over the world.  

Global Health, Equity, and Justice
Therefore, on the third day of ISCOMS, we delve into the theme of the day: ‘Global Health, equity, and justice’. This day’s content will address global issues encountered in healthcare.  The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals are highlighted. We encourage participants to connect, exchange ideas, and discover innovative approaches to make the (bio)medical world more sustainable.

Vegetarian menu and combating food waste
One of the core principles at ISCOMS is our staunch opposition to food waste. At ISCOMS we adopt a strict vegetarian menu policy. Furthermore, all food is locally distributed to our event. By eliminating meat from our menus, we do not only reduce our carbon footprint but also advocate for a more sustainable food system.

The ISCOMS app & digital poster boards
In our quest to reduce paper waste, we have embraced technology as a powerful ally. The ISCOMS app serves as a digital hub for all event-related information. Besides, we have replaced printed posters with digital boards. By providing essential resources in digital format, we significantly diminish our reliance on printed materials and reduce our environmental impact. 

Sustainability stand
At ISCOMS, we promote sustainability through education and practice. Our sustainability stand offers a platform for dialogue and learning, where participants can explore innovative solutions and gain insights into sustainable practices in the (bio)medical world. ISCOMS encourages participants to choose train travel over flights whenever possible. Since not all attendees can travel sustainably, we encourage them to offset their flight’s CO2 emissions, either after registration or ‘live’ at the congress.

Sustainability Award
Celebrating Responsible Travel: As part of our ongoing commitment to sustainability, ISCOMS hosts a sustainability award to recognise and celebrate participants who demonstrate exemplary efforts in sustainable travel. All participants are invited to submit an essay outlining their sustainable travel practices aimed at minimising the carbon footprint of their journey to ISCOMS. By highlighting these efforts, we aim to inspire others and foster a culture of sustainability within the scientific community.

Sustainability at UMCG
The University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) has signed the ‘Green Deal Duurzame Zorg’ and is actively working towards becoming a circular and climate-neutral hospital by 2035. During ISCOMS, we will showcase various sustainability initiatives at UMCG, with informative posters outlining our strategy for a greener future.

Sustainability partner